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May 24, 2023

How to find affordable student accommodation while studying in the UK

Are you a student looking to study in the UK? If so, you’re likely feeling the financial pressure of living abroad. Finding affordable accommodation is essential for any student, especially when dealing with fluctuating exchange rates and other costs. Fortunately, several options are available to help ensure that your student experience isn’t hindered by the expense of finding a place to live.

Studying in the UK is an outstanding opportunity for students to enhance their education and experience different cultures. With numerous universities offering world-renowned courses, finding affordable student accommodation in the UK that meets their budget and needs can be difficult. In this article, we will offer useful tips on how to find suitable student accommodation at an affordable price in the UK. We will cover essential information such as options available, costs associated with rental agreements, ways to save money and other valuable resources.

1. Researching Accommodation

Once you have selected your course and university, the next step is to find accommodation in the UK. Finding the accurate accommodation can be difficult for many international students. When looking for accommodation options in the UK, you must know a few things to ensure a comfortable living experience. The first thing is to consider the kind of accommodation you prefer. Next thing is to determine a convenient location based on your needs. After finalizing these two things you can look for accommodation by using online platforms or through a letting agency in UK. With on time and detailed research, you can make a calculated decision and find the ideal accommodation that matches your needs in the UK.


2. Finding the best types of Accommodation:

Before finding an accommodation in UK, you must list your expenses including the course fee, rental fee and bills to see how much you can allocate for the right accommodation. Before choosing the place to stay, knowing the type of accommodations available in the UK is important. There are different accommodation types available in the UK. These options typically include

  • Student halls
  • Private rentals
  • Private Rented Accommodation (Apartments or houses)
  • Homestays

Many UK universities offer on-campus accommodations for their students and provide information on the type of housing options and their costs. Still, they can accommodate only a few due to limited availability. It is not hard to find the student accommodation in UK. The key is to start searching at your earliest to find the perfect combo of the right location, affordable price and good roommates.


Student Halls of Residence

These are among the most popular and affordable accommodation options for students in the UK. There are two types of student halls in the UK,

  • Ones owned and managed by universities
  • Halls managed by private companies or organizations

These purpose-built student buildings (PBSA) provide furnished rooms with shared facilities such as kitchens, bathrooms, and common areas. They usually have 5 to 10 rooms on a single floor, including single, double, and deluxe rooms. One can choose according to one’s budget.

  • Most universities offer a convenient location, like on-campus or near campus, making it easy to attend classes, access university resources, and participate in social events.
  • Living in the halls of residence can be a good way to meet new people and to bound with fellow students worldwide.
  • It is essential to note that availability in these halls may be limited due to high demand, so it’s best to apply early.
  • They are cheaper than other options like renting an apartment or house share.
  • One disadvantage of living in these halls is that you will likely share facilities with others.

Private Halls

Private halls are large residential complexes for students and are open to all students. They are mostly expensive than university-owned residences but they provide better facilities like

  • study areas
  • sports facilities
  • They also provide the best security system for the students with Closed-circuit television (CCTV) and security guard facilities.

You can find a better place in these private halls with some effort and research.

Private Rented Accommodation

Private rented accommodation is a good choice for students who prefer a more intimate and independent setting. While it may  be costlier than living in student and private halls, they offer more flexibility and independence. Private accommodation is usually costly, so sharing an apartment or house with other students is another option. It permits you to divide the cost of rent and utilities, making it more affordable than renting alone. You can even reduce your food expenses by cooking together and sharing groceries costs.

  • When searching for private rented accommodation, it is essential to consider location, transport links, and proximity to amenities.
  • Tenants should ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities under the agreement before signing any contracts.

Ways to find private Accommodation

By being proactive in your search for affordable private rented accommodation, you can enjoy a comfortable living space without breaking the bank. There are three ways to find affordable private rented accommodation by using

  • Online property portals or
  • Hiring letting agents
  • Use of social media platforms

One of the greatest options to initiate your search is SpareRoom, where one can find everything, including a house, a flat, a room and even roommates. There is another website Gumtree, that offers second-hand stuff as well as house rentals. These platforms permit you to look for properties matching your preferences and budget. Other option is to use social media platform such as Facebook and join student housing groups where landlords post adverts for available rooms and apartments.


Home Stay Accommodation:

The UK is a most liked destination for international students seeking higher education. However, finding affordable and suitable accommodation can be challenging. Besides halls of residence and private accommodation, there is another option of home stay accommodation that students can explore to ease the burden of the expenses of living in the UK. It involves staying with a local family who provides a room and meals for an agreed period. Home stays offer an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in British culture while saving on accommodation costs.


Things to consider while choosing Accommodation In the UK:


Location: you should choose a location near to your university. It will save your energy, money and time by removing the hassle of travelling from far and cost of travelling. It is significant to look for the facilities around like shops and groceries.

Cost: The cost of accommodation for international students in the UK changes according to the place of your study However, the cost of living is far higher in London than anywhere else. Also, smaller towns will typically have cheaper accommodation than larger cities but it will add travelling cost in your budget. Choose your accommodation wisely that suits your budget.

Services and Facilities: It is vital to know the type of facilities available in your accommodation, such as kitchen and laundry. You should also check if the accommodation is furnished so that you manage accordingly. University-owned accommodations are usually fully furnished, but you must inquire about private rentals. It is good to know before hand what is available and not available in your place of stay so that you can arrange timely without pressure.

Safety: It is very important to consider safety while choosing your accommodation. It should be in a safe area with good surroundings. The place should also be safe from the inside; it must have secure locks and CCTV and 24-hour security personnel in the area.

Understanding the contract: You should know all the necessary details about your contract, like deposit fee, rental dues, cancellation policy and any restrictions. Knowing your rights and obligations is important before signing a contract. Even if these things seem unlikely, it is better to be ready and knowledgeable of what to do if anything unexpected arises.

Lastly, some accommodations are available at competitive prices during summer breaks or holidays when most students have gone home. It’s worth checking with your institution to see if they provide such options, as it may be more convenient than searching for temporary housing elsewhere.


In conclusion, finding affordable accommodation while moving to the UK can be daunting, but it is not impossible. It requires some research and planning of time to get the best deal possible. One option for students is to look for shared accommodation with other students or roommates to split the cost. It can be done by using online platforms such as Spare Room or Gumtree.

Another option is to consider living outside major cities, as rent tends to be cheaper in smaller towns and suburbs. Additionally, it’s important to watch for any student discounts from landlords or letting agencies.

HSA consultants will help you in finding the best possible options of study as well as guide you for the process of finding the right accommodation and collecting the required documents to complete the process.

Overall, with some effort, students can find affordable accommodation options that fit their budgets while studying in the UK. So don’t let housing costs discourage you from pursuing your academic goals – start researching your options today!